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Mt. Carmel - Muhraqa, loc de sacrificiu si locul unde Profetul Elie a invins Falsii Profeti Ba-al. Valea Armaghedonului.

Sfantul Proroc Ilie a trait cu aproape 850 de ani inainte de Hristos si era un om plin de ravna pentru implinirea poruncilor lui Dumnezeu. In Samaria, unde traia el, era rege Ahab, care isi luase de sotie pe Izabela, fata regelui Sidonului. Femeia adusese cu ea si inchinarea la idolul Baal, iar, pentru frumusetea ei, regele a devenit si el idolatru, obligand tot poporul sa faca aceasta. In plus, a omorat preotii adevaratului Dumnezeu si au pus in loc 450 de preoti idolesti.

PEDEAPSA. Ilie s-a aprins de indignare si de durere fata de sufletele oamenilor care piereau in ratacirea inchinarii la idoli si in arderea ca jertfa a copiilor lor lui Baal, un lucru atat de urat lui Yahve. Prorocul Ilie l-a certat pentru idolatrie pe Ahab, spunandu-i ca se va inchide cerul si nu va ploua pana cand regele si poporul nu se vor intoarce din pacat. Dar Ahab nu l-a ascultat. Si astfel nu a plouat trei ani si sase luni, dupa cum se rugase sfantul lui Dumnezeu. Apoi, in muntele Carmel s-a petrecut minunea pe care Domnul a facut-o la rugaciunea lui Ilie. Astfel, rugandu-se preotii mincinosi catre Baal, focul jertfelnicului lor nu s-a aprins, dar, cand Sfantul Ilie s-a rugat lui Dumnezeu, s-a aprins focul, cu toate ca lemnele fusesera udate de trei ori. Atunci, poporul a laudat pe Dumnezeu si a omorat pe falsii preoti.

The Jezreel Valley is what many call the Valley of Armageddon. "So what is know as the Valley of Armageddon in Christian circles is actually the biblical Valley of Jezreel. The term Armageddon is never applied to the valley itself, but only to the mount at the western end."
Old Testament prophets came to Mount Carmel. Its strength and beauty awed them. Slap dab in the middle of the Carmel Range is Muhraqa, the place of the sacrifice of the prophets of Baal.

Elijah’s contest with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:20-46) took place on Mount Carmel. Muhraqa fits the description in the text exactly. The Carmelite Order constructed a monastery on this site in 1868. From the platform on the Carmelite monastery you can see the sea (1 Kings 18:43), and a spring just below (18:33). The Kishon Brook is at the bottom of the hill (18:40) in the Jezreel Valley (18:45-46).

When you travel from Caesarea to Muhraqa the typography changes. The Wadi Milik facilitates this change by slicing through the Carmel range into the Jezreel Valley. Muhraqa sits atop the Carmel and overlooks the Jezreel Valley.
Elijah chose this place because all of the people knew where it was. The road is narrow and rough going up to Muhraqa but walking up from the Jezreel Valley would not be a difficult chore.
Elijah marched up the Carmel Mountain to Muhraqa to battle the prophets of Baal. His work was a challenge from God for the prophets of Baal before the watching world. They all looked and saw what the Lord would do. The Lord conquered Baal.

Jesus said that we are to pick up our cross each day and follow Him. I was always looking for some large thing to do for Jesus. Then, He pointed out to me that my cross was dying to self. I needed to change the way I would normally do things and come follow Him. I needed to spend time with Him and become like Him. My old self is my cross. It is a tedious burden because it is so easy for me to do the old things. Change is the call from the Gospel. God has provided the way and I am to walk that way.

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