Collective Story

What is

CollectiveStory is is site open for any individual or group of persons who would like to describe stories about their lives. In this sense, the site is an attempt to fix in writing and images and share with others our collective memories. Unlike a simple album or book, the internet allows us to share such memories with many friends and with the public at large.

Such memories play an important part in the identity of a family or any other type of community. CollectiveStory offers a way of sharing our experiences, which could be not just interesting but also informative and educating.

The usage of the site is very simple: one person may create a story, then invite and authorize any number of friends to contribute or view it.

Why you need a user ID

You need to create a user ID for yourself in order to access certain features of this site. In particular, you need an ID in order to

Creating a user ID is free.

Creating an ID

Signing in

A number of operations on CollectiveStory can only be performed if you are signed in. You may go to the sign in page either from the home page (look for the Sign in link) or from any page, from the link immediately under the banner. On the sign in page, simply enter your user ID and password in the appropriate fields, then press the Sign in button.

From the Sign in page, should it be necessary,  you can go to two other important pages:

Modifying your profile

Once you have a user ID, you may at any time modify your profile by using the My Profile link under the CollectiveStory banner. This is available only after you create an ID or you are signed in.

On the My Profile page, you may fill the following information

Once this information was entered or changed, press the Save button.

On this page you may also change your password, using the box on the right side. You will need to confirm your old password before changing it.

Initiating a story

In order to create a story you must have an ID and be signed in.

To initiate the story, you need to go through the following steps:

Levels of access

When you create a story, you are automatically the owner of the story. There are however various other levels of access. As an owner, you can grant a particular level of access to another user.

The levels of access, in increasing number of rights, are the following

It makes sense to grant more rights to the people you trust more and are willing to help you in creating the story. As one of the purposes of CollectiveStory is to help communities remember or register their memories, it is also a good idea to grant these rights to all who are interested, are trustworthy and can help in creating the story.

Granting and revoking access rights

If you are an owner of the story and wish to grant access rights, press the Participants link which you find under the banner at the top of the page.